Senin, 28 April 2014

Bangka Belitung PPAN Selection 2014 - photos

Dear all,
Here we release some photos taken during our PPAN selection 2014. Enjoy them ^_^

The Opening Ceremony
The selection was attended by Mr. Suyadi Pawiro, S.Ip from KEMENPORA RI

The art and cultural skill performance

Rabu, 16 April 2014

Press Release Seleksi PPAN 2014 Bangka Belitung

Dear all....
We are extremely happy now because we successfully held the selection program this year. Well, we did not hold this alone but of course DISPORA Propinsi Bangka Belitung was with us. Now, the 5 main candidates are struggling to prepare all required documents such as Police record, Medical check-up, passport and some other documents. Wish them luck, ok ^_^

In this post we would like to share several links about some news related to our selection. Some of them were published on printed-local media and some others were on online-local media.
Published on Rakyat Pos

Published on Babel Pos

TAM Babel Online

Rakyat Pos

Bangka Pos

Hopefully, next years open recruitment and selection will be more widely spread to all Bangka Belitung youths so the selection will be more competitive. We do hope so.

PCMI Bangka Belitung

Sabtu, 12 April 2014

PPAN 2014 Candidates

Dear all, 
This year, PCMI Bangka Belitung and DISPORA Propinsi are really proud to see Bangka Belitung youths’ passion in participating PPAN selection of Bangka Belitung 2014. Moreover, during 4 days we had a really great chance to meet great potentials from all regions in Bangka Belitung. In short, we are glad to have those stunning participants in the selection.
In this year’s selection, we set many aspects to score such as individual insight, personality, communication, English skill (both written and spoken), Focus group discussion (FGD) and cultural skill as well. Also, we developed some new assessment components especially for group assessment such as post program activity presentation, photo exhibition and group cultural performance. Moreover, during the interview sessions (English skill, personality, post program activity project and commitment) we asked the juries to give us top 2 nominees for each program. 

Here we also would like to let you know that all the team carried out three times review before they finally decided the result of the selection.

In the first review, the team examined the result of general assessments. In this step, they examined whether the top 2 recommended nominees for each program were listed in the short list or not. As the result, 50% of recommended nominees were listed in short list for each program. To make it more accurate, the team carried out the second review.
In the 2nd review, all the score were distributed and examined based on the programs’ main characteristics because as we have already known that each program requires different characters. For instance, SSEAYP requires higher portion for cultural skill than AIYEP does. Whereas, AIYEP requires higher portion for English skill, etc. So then, the score was tabulated based on specific percentage.
Here is the illustration of the tabulation: 
Candidate X chose SSEAYP and AIYEP.
Candidate X General Score
Others Accumulated score

Written test
Cultural 100%
English 50%
Written test
Others Accumulated score
Cultural 50%
English 100%
Written test
Others Accumulated score

The table shows that candidate X got higher score in AIYEP (390) than he did in SSEAYP (380) but again the team would consider the higher rank for this candidate. He might be in the 2nd rank for SSEAYP but in the 4th rank for AIYEP (even though he got a higher score in AIYEP) so, the team put him in 2nd rank for SSEAYP candidates and this means that the candidate would be nominated as a runner up in SSEAYP.

After that, the team proceeded to the 3rd review. In this step, the team combined the result and consulted the psychological test as well as physical test result. If it's needed, the team would confirm some specific things to the candidate regarding the result of the 3rd review by sms, phone or a face-to-face meeting.

Finally, after such a long and breathtaking process as explained above, we (PCMI and DISPORA Propinsi Bangka Belitung) proudly inform the official result of International Youth Exchange Program Selection (PPAN) of Bangka Belitung 2014.

We proudly announce The top 5 candidates for each program as follows: