Kamis, 04 April 2013


Dear all,

Finally we post the details of ChiyEP/PPIC selection phase. If you are interested in this program, please kindly read the details.

General Eligibility:
  • Indonesian citizen and listed as resident of Bangka Belitung Province 
  • aged between 18-28 years old
  • Physically and mentally healthy
  • Minimum education required: SMA/SLTA or equivalent
  • Unmarried 
  • Having strong interest and experience of Youth empowerment, volunteering, art and culture 
  • Having a broad view of local/regional, national and international issues 
  • Active in English both verbal and written 
  • Never participated in any international youth exchange under the sponsorship of Ministry of National Education and/or Ministry of Youth and Sports of Republic of Indonesia.
Administrative Requirement:
  1. Completed form (Please download here or here)
  2. a scanned-file of ID card (KTP)
  3. a scanned file of the most recent academic diploma (SLTA/College/University)
  4. a scanned-file of recent colored photograph (you may attach it in the provided box of the application form) 
  5. Essay 
  6. Personal cv 
  7. a scanned file of English proficiency test result (TOEFL/IELTS/TOEIC) -(if available)
  8. scanned files of other supporting documents/credentials 
Please NOTE that Completed Application Form and the administrative files have to be sent to ppanbabel@yahoo.com (please convert all files into zip or rar)

THE DEADLINE is April 12th 2013 at 11.59 p.m

The selection process will be divided into :
  1. Administrative Selection on  April 13th 2013
  2. Interview session by phone/Skype on April 14th and 15th 2013

9 komentar:

  1. Hi there,
    my name is ivan.
    I've send the require document to join PPIC program this year. Please tell me whether my doc is arrive or not to PPIC committe. Thanks.


  2. thank you,
    I just send it (again), there was a mistake in my name (form). Sorry for inconvenience. have a nice friday :D

  3. Ini formulirnya buat program ke Cina doang yah?

  4. Hi
    Ivan: ok
    Rahma: Pada dasarnya form ini akan berlaku juga buat program PPAN lainnya, hanya saja mekanisme pendaftaran dan seleksi nanti yang berbeda. Saat ini kami baru membuka pendaftaran untuk program Cina terlebih dahulu, dan program lain akan menyusul nantinya. Ok ^_^

  5. kak, nanti sesi interview-nya pake bahasa indonesia atau inggris? Trus, apakah hanya diperbolehkan mengikuti satu program saja? bolehkah memilih dua program (misal: ChiYEP dan SSEAYP)? Terima kasih^^

  6. Hi Primalita, ^_^ Interviewnya ada 2 jenis, Berbahasa Inggris dan Berbahasa Indonesia. Calon peserta hanya diperkenankan untuk memilih 1 program saja ketika mendaftar

    Hi Egy, You may join the selection of the program and we do hope more people will apply for this program. Btw, We have provided some descriptions for each program on this web, so please click some other posts for further info. ^_^

    Thank you

  7. Yg bener batas akhir pngiriman dokumen tgl 11 or 12.. coz I read in the other post the Dateline is 11 but here its 12.. I'm going to send my documents tomorrow.. can I? Oya 1 lagi... the esay should be in bahasa or in English?

  8. You can send your application on April 12th but not later than 11.59 pm and the essay has to be written in English. Make sure you send the documents in rar or zip (in only one folder!)
    Thank you Andy ^_^
