Kamis, 20 Maret 2014

PPAN 2014 : Administration Screening Results II

This year we opened two term of application. For those who submit application by March 12-20 2014 (TERM 2), we have reviewed your application. Here we announce the list of candidates who passed administration screening TERM 2. If your name was listed below, you can go to second step of selection. We have mailed you information about second phase selection. There will be instruction about the next step. But, If you do not receive any e-mail from ppanbabel[at]yahoo.com account, please let us know as soon as possible by contacting this number 081929584820. Here are the name of applicants who passed administration screening TERM 2 (random order) :

1. Edo Rizkia Putra (Kab. Bangka Barat)
2. Hernawan (Kab. Belitung)
3. Muslimin (Kab. Bangka Barat)
4. Muhamad Lili Subrata (Kab. Belitung)
5. Aleo Saputra (Kab. Bangka)
6. Zumaro (Kab. Bangka Barat)

1. Fransiska Dekarta (Kab. Belitung)
2. Berta Yurezka (Kab. Belitung)
3. Kharunia Rachmah (Kab. Bangka Tengah)
4. Feni Yanuariza (Kab. Belitung Timur)
5. Disa natasia (Kab. Bangka)
6. Setfanie (Kab. Belitung)
7. Yeyen Despia (Kab. Bangka Barat)
8. Desty Yani (Kota Pangkalpinang)
9. Novela Parasayu (Kota Pangkalpinang)

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