Kamis, 11 Desember 2014

A story form Perth (#2)

Another story's coming, fellas...
Talking about voluntary activities during the program, Najmul Fajri Usman, AIYEP 2014 delegate, has his own story. So, come on, enjoy the story...

Work With Heart

People often said that time indeed flies faster when you truly enjoy it and I have to agree with that statement at this moment.

I seriously can't believe that we have been staying in this magnificently beautiful countryside for precisely two weeks today! It feels like yesterday since we left Perth and Busselton and continued our AIYEP journey here in Margaret River.

Now, I would like to share to you about one thing that I have been learning a lot during my stay in "Margs" so far. It's about how beautiful it is to see people who really work with their hearts.

To be honest, I have never expected that this little town would touch my heart and motivate me so much. I have never expected to meet many inspiring local people with such admirable love and sense of belonging towards their lovely town. 

One day, I met Naomi and David from the Regional Environment Center who are currently fighting for the preservation of a forested area in town which has been subjected to be 'sacrificed' for the so called 
improved development. 

The other day, I lent my hands in a local Breast Cancer Fundraising project organized by my host Mother and her friends, in which she has spent 6 months of hard work to make it happen.

Another day, I joined beach cleanup and tree planting activities with Cape to Cape Catchment Group, a local volunteering movement which majorly focuses on environmental preservation in the region. 

The other day, in an environmental-related excursion of a local primary school, I met Gavin, a beautiful kangaroo joey whose Mother got hit by a car and is being taken care of by a local animal conservancy at the moment.

You see? There is so much love for both the nature and fellow human being down here. So many people work not only with their brains, but also with their hearts. People in this town have been successfully exemplifying to me on how we should value the life, on how taking care of not only each other but also the environment and it is truly the best way to live the life.

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