Selasa, 30 April 2013


This year we have a greatful moment during selection Youth Exchange Program (PPAN) that was happened almost in same time at 33 provinces among Indonesia. There are six PPAN consist of China-Indonesia Youth Exchange Program (ChiIYEP), Indonesia-Malaysia Youth Exchange Program (IMYEP), Indonesia-Canada Youth Exchange Program (ICYEP), Australia-Indonesia Youth Exchange Program (AIYEP), Indonesia-Korea Youth Exchange Program (IKYEP) and the Ship for Southeast Asian Youth Program (SSEAYP). Beside those programs, there are also two new programs namely ASEAN-India Youth Exchange Program and ASEAN-Korea Youth Exchange Program. However, both programs have not belong to PPAN yet because the recruitments are in different phases.

Bangka Belitung Archipelago Province are lucky to have ChiIYEP, IMYEP, IKYEP and SSEAYP this year. The selection was divided into three phases:


On be half of DISPORA Bangka Belitung and PCMI Bangka Belitung, we are delight to announce the result for selection of Kapal Pemuda Nusantara and Youth Exchange Program 2013. We are happy that this year, so many good applicants took part in the selection. We consider some aspects such as personality, knowledge, art and culture skill, English proficiency, post program activity, etc to get the most suitable candidate.

Finally we have the main candidate and runner up. Main candidate is the selected person who will go to program. If the main candidate can not attend the program because of a reason, the runner up may replace the position.

Kapal Pemuda Nusantara
1. Dedi (Main)
2. M. Potar Alam (Main)
3. Dion Renaldhi (Runner Up)
4. Mulyadi (Runner Up)

1. Annisa (Main)
2. Meyliana (Main)
3. Winarty (Runner Up)
4. Kartika Sari (Runner Up)

the Ship for Southeast Asian Youth Program
1. Rosalina Ma’ruf (Main)
2. Rahma Arinda (Runner up)

Indonesia Malaysia Youth Exchange Program
1. Edwin Dwijaya (Main)

Indonesia Korea Youth Exchange Program
1. Bela Baroqah (Main)
2. Rizky Astriningtias (Runner Up)

Congrats for all of you. For all ex-participants, we would like to thanks for every single things you made to make a the selection success. We hope this selection program could give you positive values and friendship. If this year you haven't succeed, there will be any chance next year. We always love to encourage you to be part of PCMI. Keep in touch.


IChYEP 2013

After running the online open application, interview phase (1 and 2), finally we've gotten the delegates of PPIC/ChIYEP.

It was tough competition so we gave all effort to succeed this selection and the participants did too!

But, we had to choose the delegates based on all aspects we have to consider: academic potency, personality, leadership and teamwork skills, strong commitment and all thing that a delegate should have and finally, here we announce that:
Mohammad Fadhillah and Mira Karina are the selected ones as delegates of Bangka Belitung for China-Indonesia Youth Exchange Program (ChIYEP/PPIC) 2013.

Congrats for you two!! Get ready because you will have many things to prepare.
Furthermore, we'd like to say thank you very much to all participants. We thank you very much for every single effort you did during the selection. This program is a new quota for Bangka Belitung and the mechanism is also the new one and we always try to do better things. We totally appreciate your participation and we wish you luck in next year selection. 

We do hope you won't give up on trying and preparing your self better next year. Thank you and good luck!

Senin, 15 April 2013

PPIC/IChYEP Top Ten Finalists 2013 !!

Dear all, 
This year we received many high qualified applicants so that we consider many factors in selection process including individual qualification and program concern.
After running the interview phase for PPIC/ChIYEP candidates, finally we have gotten the result for The Top Ten Finalists and here are the PPIC/ChIYEP Top Ten Finalists:
1. Rosalin Yuniarti Maruf (Bangka)
2. Mira Karina (Bangka)
3. Meilinda Wulandari (Pangkalpinang)
4. Mergi Gayatri (Belitung)
5.  Disa Natasia Wahyuni Putri (Bangka)

1. Andy Fitrianto (Belitung)
2. Mohammad Fadhillah (Belitung Timur)
3. Sapitra Gani (Bangka Tengah)
4. Taufan Septiawan (Bangka Barat)
5. Ivan Permana Putra (Belitung Timur)
For the finalists, Please download the instruction for the 2nd Interview Phase here
 We wish you luck!!! 
PCMI Bangka Belitung

Minggu, 14 April 2013


PCMI KEPULAUAN BANGKA BELITUNG bekerja sama dengan Dispora Kabupaten Belitung dan Belitung Timur akan menyelenggarakan Seleksi Tingkat Kabupaten untuk :

·        Kapal Pemuda Asean (KPA) 2013
·        Pertukaran Pemuda Indonesia – Malaysia (PPIM) 2013
·        Pertukaran Pemuda Indonesia – Korea (PPIKS) 2013
·        Kapal Pemuda Nusantara (KPN) 2013 

Persyaratan Calon Peserta
  1. Warga Negara RI berusia 18-25 tahun dan berdomisili di Bangka Belitung dibuktikan dengan KTP.
  2. Sehat jasmani dan rohani yang dibuktikan dengan surat keterangan dokter.
  3. Pendidikan minimal SLTA/ sederajat dan mahasiswa
  4. Belum menikah dan tidak merokok.
  5. Bisa berenang.
  6. Memiliki ketertarikan terhadap potensi bahari dan kebudayaan daerah.
  7. Menguasai minimal satu kesenian daerah.
  8. Membuat proposal tentang potensi bahari daerahnya.
Persyaratan Administrasi
  1. Daftar riwayat hidup.
  2. Fotokopi KTP yang masih berlaku.
  3. Izin tertulis dari orang tua/ instansi tempat bekerja.
  4. Pas foto berwarna 3x4 sebanyak dua lembar.

Jumat, 12 April 2013

Result of PPIC/ChIYEP Administration Selection Phase

Dear all,
Hereby we inform you the names of  candidates for PPIC 2013 that successfully go to next selection phase; interview phase. (The order of names is random)

Selasa, 09 April 2013


PCMI KEPULAUAN BANGKA BELITUNG cooperates with Dispora Kabupaten/Kota in Bangka will conduct the Regional Selection Phase for: 
·        Pertukaran Pemuda Indonesia – Malaysia (PPIM/IMYEP) 2013
·        Pertukaran Pemuda Indonesia – Korea (PPIKor/IKYEP) 2013

Jumat, 05 April 2013

Seleksi Kapal Pemuda Nusantara (KPN) 2013

Dengan ini kami memberitahukan bahwa Seleksi Kapal Pemuda Nusantara 2013 akan berlangsung bersamaan dengan Seleksi SSEAYP Propinsi Kepulauan Bangka Belitung di Pangkalpinang 20-22 April 2013. Berikut beberapa informasi seputar seleksi.

Persyaratan Calon Peserta KPN

1.Warga Negara RI berusia 18-25 tahun dan berdomisili di Bangka Belitung dibuktikan dengan KTP.

2.Sehat jasmani dan rohani yang dibuktikan dengan surat keterangan dokter.

3.Pendidikan minimal SLTA/ sederajat dan mahasiswa

4.Belum menikah dan tidak merokok.

5.Bisa berenang.

6.Memiliki ketertarikan terhadap potensi bahari dan kebudayaan daerah.

7.Menguasai minimal satu kesenian daerah.

8.Membuat proposal tentang potensi bahari daerahnya.


Dear all, we are delight to inform that the 40th Ship for Southeast Asian Youth Program (SSEAYP) will be held during October-December 2013. The selection in Bangka Belitung Province will be conducted on 20-22 April 2013. Here is some info regarding the selection.

General Eligibility of Ship for Southeast Asian Youth Program:
Female, Indonesian citizen and listed as resident of Bangka Belitung Province
aged between 20-30 years old
Physically and mentally healthy
Minimum education required: SMA/SLTA or equivalent
Having strong interest and experience of Youth empowerment, volunteering, art and culture
Having a broad view of local/regional, national and international issues
Active in English both verbal and written
Never participated in any international youth exchange under the sponsorship of Ministry of National Education and/or Ministry of Youth and Sports of Republic of Indonesia.

Administrative Requirement:
Application form (available in Dispora Office or Download here or here)
a copy of ID card (KTP)
a copy of the most recent academic diploma (SLTA/College/University)
a copy of recent colored photograph (you may attach it in the provided box of the application form)
a copy of English proficiency test result (TOEFL/IELTS/TOEIC) -(if available)
Personal CV
Essay (please read the guideline in the form)
Copies of other supporting documents/credentials

Please NOTE that completed application form and the administrative files have to be sent to DISPORA in Regency/Capital City where you are registered as resident 

THE DEADLINE is April 11th 2013

Candidates who passed selection in Regency/Capital City of Pangkalpinang will be invited to next selection in Province that will be conducted in Pangkalpinang, 20-22 April 20013. 

Dwin 08197854611
Dilla 081809091189


Kamis, 04 April 2013


Dear all,

Finally we post the details of ChiyEP/PPIC selection phase. If you are interested in this program, please kindly read the details.

General Eligibility:
  • Indonesian citizen and listed as resident of Bangka Belitung Province 
  • aged between 18-28 years old
  • Physically and mentally healthy
  • Minimum education required: SMA/SLTA or equivalent
  • Unmarried 
  • Having strong interest and experience of Youth empowerment, volunteering, art and culture 
  • Having a broad view of local/regional, national and international issues 
  • Active in English both verbal and written 
  • Never participated in any international youth exchange under the sponsorship of Ministry of National Education and/or Ministry of Youth and Sports of Republic of Indonesia.
Administrative Requirement:
  1. Completed form (Please download here or here)
  2. a scanned-file of ID card (KTP)
  3. a scanned file of the most recent academic diploma (SLTA/College/University)
  4. a scanned-file of recent colored photograph (you may attach it in the provided box of the application form) 
  5. Essay 
  6. Personal cv 
  7. a scanned file of English proficiency test result (TOEFL/IELTS/TOEIC) -(if available)
  8. scanned files of other supporting documents/credentials 
Please NOTE that Completed Application Form and the administrative files have to be sent to (please convert all files into zip or rar)

THE DEADLINE is April 12th 2013 at 11.59 p.m

The selection process will be divided into :
  1. Administrative Selection on  April 13th 2013
  2. Interview session by phone/Skype on April 14th and 15th 2013

Sabtu, 30 Maret 2013

PPAN 2013: 5 quota for Bangka Belitung

Dear all...
you have been waiting for this, haven't ya???
Check this out ^_^
For this year's quota Bangka Belitung Province has gotten 4 programs for 5 delegates, they are:
- Indonesia Malaysia Youth Exchange Program (IMYEP) for 1 Male
- Indonesia Korea Youth Exchange Program (IKYEP) for 1 Female
- Indonesia China Youth Exchange Program (ChiYEP) For 1 Male and 1 Female
- Ship for South East Asia Youth Program (SSEAYP) for 1 Female
 Well, then make sure that your age fits to the programs
IMYEP : 23 - 27 years old
IKYEP  :18 - 24 years old
ChiYEP : 18 - 28 years old
SSEAYP :  20 - 30 years old

Please kindly note that there are 6 aspects that will be assessed if you join the selection:
1. Religion aspect
2. Physiology aspect
3. English skill aspect
4. Communication aspect
5. Art, Cultural and Social Aspect
6. Academic Aspect

We will keep on informing you about every single point related to the selection and you guys please get ready and keep on checking this blog for more newer info.


Kamis, 28 Maret 2013


Pertukaran Pemuda Indonesia-China adalah program terbaru yang digulirkan KEMENPORA RI dalam rangkaian Pertukaran Pemuda Antar Negara (PPAN) dan pertama kali dilaksanakan pada tahun 2011 yang lalu. Secara umum, program PPIC memiliki kesamaan dengan program Indonesia-Korea Youth Exchange Program (IKYEP/PPIKor) dan durasi kegiatan ini berlangsung 10 hari di China. Selain itu, kegiatan lebih difokuskan pada misi diplomatik dan kunjungan ke beberapa tempat penting di Cina serta misi penguatan hubungan kepemudaan.
Pada tahun 2013 Propinsi Bangka Belitung untuk pertama kalinya mendapatkan quota peserta putra dan putri untuk kegiatan PPIC ini.

Kamis, 07 Maret 2013

Informasi Umum berkas pendaftaran PPAN

INFO! Ini adalah daftar kelengkapan dokumen yang anda butuhkan untuk mengikuti program PPAN. Namun harus diingat, ini hanyalah panduan umum saja, artinya Dokumen yang diperlukan Untuk mengikuti SELEKSI PPAN BANGKA BELITUNG bisa BERBEDA: BERTAMBAH ATAU BERKURANG setiap tahunnya dan harus dicermati bahwa untuk informasi KUOTA BANGKA BELITUNG MASIH MENUNGGU KONFIRMASI DARI KEMENPORA. Untuk itu, satu hal yang wajib diingat, daftar dibawah ini hanyalah PANDUAN UMUM SEMENTARA sebagai informasi umum bagi anda yang berkeinginnan untuk mengikuti program PPAN.
Persyaratan Calon Peserta: 
1. Warga Negara Indonesia;
2. Memiliki akses yang kuat dalam bidang Pemberdayaan Pemuda;
3. Usia:
a. Program Pertukaran Pemuda Indonesia Kanada (PPIK): usia 18-23 tahun;
b. Program Pertukaran Pemuda Indonesia Australia (PPIA): usia 21-25 tahun;
c. Program Pertukaran Pemuda Indonesia Malaysia
(PPIM): usia 23-27 tahun;
d. Program Pertukaran Pemuda Indonesia Korea Selatan (PPIKS): usia 18-25 tahun;
e. Program Pertukaran Pemuda Indonesia Cina (PPIC): usia 18-25 tahun;
f. Program Ship for South East Asia Youth Program (SSEAYP): usia 20-30 tahun.
4. Sehat jasmani dan rohani;
5. Minimal lulus SLTA;
6. Belum menikah:
7. Aktif dan berminat dalam bidang pemberdayaan masyarakat (community empowerment);
8. Mampu berkomunikasi dalam bahasa Inggris baik lisan maupun tulisan dengan skor kompetensi minimum memenuhi salah satu sistem tes sebagaimana ketentuan berikut:
a. Test of English for international Communication (TOEIC): 400
b. Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL)

  • TOEFL Paper: 432
  • TOEFL CBT: 120
  • TOEFL IBT: 40
  •  international English Language Testing System (IELTS): 3.5
  • Cambridge Exam: Preliminary English Test (PET)
9. Belum pernah mengikuti program pertukaran pemuda dengan luar negeri yang diselenggarakan oleh Kementerian Pemuda dan Olahraga;
10. Menguasai salah satu atau lebih jenis keterampilan kesenian;
11. Belum pernah terlibat dalam tindakan kriminal dan dijatuhi hukuman berdasarkan keputusan pengadilan, dibuktikan dengan Surat Keterangan Catatan Kepolisian;
12. Lulus seleksi ditingkat daerah dan pusat;
13. Semua calon peserta yang lulus seleksi daerah akan dipanggil untuk mengikuti medical check up (MCU) di Jakarta, pada rumah sakit yang ditunjuk oleh Kedutaan Besar negara tujuan di Jakarta (untuk program PPIK dan PPIA).
14. Calon peserta yang tidak lolos dalam MCU di Jakarta, maka nominasinya akan digantikan oleh calon peserta unggulan kedua dari provinsi dimaksud dengan jenis kelamin yang sama.

Dibawah ini adalah Persyaratan Administratif bagi peserta yang lulus seleksi yang harus dilengkapi ketika anda dinyatakan LULUS sebagai calon delegasi Bangka Belitung ketika akan mengikuti Pre Departure Training di Jakarta
1. Akte kelahiran atau kenal lahir;
2. Izin tertulis bermaterai Rp.6000,- asli dari orang tua / instansi yang bersangkutan,
3. Menyerahkan Surat Keterangan Catatan Kepolisian (SKCK) dari Kepolisian Daerah setempat;
4. Surat pernyataan peserta bermaterai Rp.6000,- yang telah ditandatangani pula oleh orang tua / instansi yang mengirimkan peserta, menyatakan kesediaan untuk mentaati peraturan yang ditetapkan oleh Kementerian Pemuda dan Olahraga;
5. KTP yang masih berlaku;
6. Fotokopi paspor yang masih berlaku (paspor asli harap dibawa ketika acara Pre Departure Training);
7. Fotokopi sertifikat kompetensi Bahasa Inggris (TOEIC / TOEFL / IELTS / Cambridge Exam) yang disahkan Kadispora / Kadisdik tingkat Kota / Kabupaten;
8. Pasfoto berwarna 2X3 dan 4X6 masing-masing sebanyak 6 lembar;
9. Menyerahkan karya tulis dalam Bahasa Inggris (minimal 1000 kata) mengenai kegiatan selama mengikuti program dan rencana kegiatan pasca program.

Nah, untuk informasi detail tentang persyaratan administrasi untuk mengikuti seleksi PPAN 2013 Propinsi Kepulauan Bangka Belitung beserta Quota kegiatan akan diposting segera! ^_^

Coming Soon!!!!

Dear All,
We are currently waiting for the exact infromation from KEMENPORA related to PPAN Quota for Bangka Belitung Province in 2013program. However, if you are interested in this program you can start to prepare all documents we might require so when we have the newest info you can apply immediately. Generally we have the same requirements as the previous program so you may re-check our previous posts about this.
Keep your eyes widely opened to any single info we have on the blog or other social media, pals ^_^


Pada tahun 2012 yang lalu, Propinsi Kepulauan Bangka Belitung mendapatkan 3 quota dalam program Pertukaran Pemuda Antar Negara dan IMYEP (Indonesia Malaysia Youth Exchange Program) adalah salah satu dari tiga quota tersebut.


Delegasi Propinsi Bangka Belitung untuk Indonesia Canada Youth Exchange Program 2012 adalah Vegy.

Rabu, 06 Maret 2013


Michelle Anggia terpilih sebagai delegasi Propinsi Kepulauan Bangka Belitung dalam program Australia-Indonesia  Youth Exchange Program tahun 2012.